Materials research at UMass Amherst has a rich history of fundamental discovery centered in polymers and extending across the landscape of colloidal materials, surface science, and nanoscale structures. NSF support for the UMass MRSEC has been instrumental in landmark findings in polymer crystallization, block copolymer assembly for high density addressable media, ultrathin free-standing nanoscale structures, and state-of-the-art advances in polymer adhesion and self-healing. Our materials research mission merges with vibrant programs designed to educate students towards rewarding careers in science and technology.
This is manifest in teaching and mentoring, where UMass Amherst is a national leader in graduate education in polymers and soft materials chemistry, physics, and engineering. Our educational mission extends to all ages and grade levels, thanks to a rich diversity of Center-supported programs designed for undergraduates, teachers, and grade school children alike. Today the UMass MRSEC seeks to define the future of polymer materials science and engineering, with research teams engaged in innovative multidisciplinary projects that push fundamental boundaries and create new technologies.